Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Balice after a dusk

From long time I had a plan to make photo of Balice Airport from the other side than usually. In last two months I didn't have a time for come it true but when I did, the weather didn't allow me to realize it.
But fortunately, at beginning of a week everything plays and I made it :) Traffic wasn't heavy and I wanted to check few more places but main photo of these spotting is quite good :)


Friday, 20 October 2017

SOLOTÜRK performance at SIAF 2017

This time I want to show You one of the best F-16 demo flight as I ever saw. In world of aviation fan's no one have to introduce it.
Ladies and Gentleman's...  SOLOTÜRK !!!
This name speaks of itself. It's not enough to see it on video, You have to feel live it on your own skin ;) I recommend it very very veeeeeerrrryyyyyy much :)
Below You can find all performance of SOLOTÜRK filmed at Slovak International Air Fest 2017 ( SIAF 2017). Maybe sometimes cut, but still all of main program of the show.



Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Balice's Sunset

And again :) Middle of October is the time when sunset is coming close to axis of runway 25 in Kraków Balice Airport :) Today me and my friend becomes onto Balice's hill spotter place to photographing planed on the sunset background.
Results below ;)


Thursday, 5 October 2017

Airbus A380 Demo Display Flight part.2

Last post was a photos, so now time for a movie :)
A380 F-WWOW Demo Flight Display at SIAF 2017


A380 Demo Display Flight

Airbus A380, huge majestatic airplane. How do You think, how can looks he's display flight ? Slowly, majeststic and boring flight... You're wrong :)
If You will have possibility to watch the Airbus A380 Demo Display, I recommend it ! I was werry, weeeeerrrryyyy suprised when I saw it first time. I didn't expect that large airplane can turn that tight and climb at that high angle. Unbelievable.
Below You can see few photos of this display at Slovakia International Air Fest 2017 over Silač Airport.
Live it was awesome :)

Enjoy & rgds.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Hornet demo display - SIAF 2017

Pokaz dynamiczny F/A-18 Hornet Hiszpańskich Sił Powietrznych podczas SIAF 2017.
Za sterami kpt. Juan F. Herrera.
Jest moc ;)
Dynamic display fly of F/A-18 Hornet Spanish Air Force while Slovak International Air Fest 2017.
In flight cpt. Juan F. Herrera.
There is a power ;)

Enjoy :)

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Hornet sonic speed

F/A-18 Hornet lecący na krawędzi przełamania bariery dźwięku podczas Slovak International Air Fest 2017 w Silač.
F/A-18 Hornet flying on the edge of sound barrier during Slovak International Air Fest 2017 in Silač Airport.


Monday, 7 August 2017

Ogryzek / The mooncore

Fotka z dzisiejszego częściowego zaćmienia księżyca, ostatniego w tym roku.
Photo from today evening partial moon eclipse, last in this year.


Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Na sekundę przed śmiercią / In a second before death

Oko w oko z P-51D Mustang ( NL151W) podczas Pardubice Airshow 2017. Było blisko.
Udane otwarcie sezonu :)
Eye to eye with P-51D Mustang ( NL151W) at Pardubice Airshow 2017. Was close.
Successful open of the season :)


Sunday, 4 June 2017

Pocztówka z Pardubic / Postcard from Pardubice

Douglas DC-6B należący do The Flying Bulls podczas wczorajszego pokazu dynamicznego w Pardubicach.
Douglas DC-6B from "The Flying Bulls" during a dynamic show at yesterday's Pardubice Airshow.


Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Pewien jesienny zachód słońca / One autumn sunset

Pewnego dnia, wieczorna godzina, zachód słońca, Ryanair z 07.
Someday, evening, sunset, Ryanair take off from runway 07.


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Kto rano wstaje... :D / Who gets up in the morning... :D

Świeżości, świeżynki, foto jeszcze ciepłe ;) Dziś po 8:30 rano do Krakowa zawitał Boeing 707 o numerze 272 należący do izraelskich sił powietrznych. Złapany na Foxtrocie :)
Fresh and still hot photo ;) Today over 8:30 AM to Cracow Balice arrived a Boeing 707 of Israel Air Force. Plane catched at taxiway Foxtrot :)

Pzdr. / Rgds.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Retro solnym szlakiem / Salt trail retro train

Pociąg retro z Krakowa Głównego do Wieliczki opuszcza przystanek Kraków Bieżanów. Lokomotywa prowadząca Ty42-107 ze skansenu w Chabówce, lokomotywa na końcu składu to EU07-195 w klasycznym malowaniu.
The retro train from Kraków Główny to Wieliczka passing a stop Kraków Bieżanów. The steam locomotive pulling it's Ty42-107 from museum in Chabówka. The locomotive at end of train it's EU07-195 in classic painting.
8th Apr. 2017


Saturday, 25 March 2017

Jeszcze kilka fot z magistrali / Few more photos form main line

Jeszcze kilka zdjęć z ostatniego wypadu na magistralę E-30 w okolicach Bochni.
Few more photos from spotting on E-30 main line near Bochnia.


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Powrót do korzeni / Back to the roots

Nareszcie :D
Po długiej przerwie udało się zebrać i pojechać na kolejowy spotting :D Wszak, jak wiecie moją pierwszą pasją przed lotnictwem były stalowe rumaki żelaznych szlaków.
Dziś prezentuję tylko jedno zdjęcie z wypadu na magistralę E-30, ale niebawem pojawi się więcej kadrów :)
At last :D
After long break I was able to go on the railway spotting :D How You know, my first passion before I became interesed of aviation was steel steeds on iron tracks.
Today I'd like to show You only one photo of these trip on E-30 line, but I'll show You more soon :)

Miłego :)

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Scandinavian A321

Jeszcze kilka dni i częstotliwość wpisów wzrośnie :)
A tymczasem jeszcze cztery zdjęcia A321 OY-KBK od SAS Scandinavian Airlines na lotnisku w Balicach 6.01.2017.
Just a few more days and frequency of posts will increase :)
And now four more photos of A321 OY-KBK from SAS Scandinavian Airlines at Cracow Balice Airport 6.01.2017.


Thursday, 12 January 2017

Noworoczne marznięcie / New year freezing

Czas na pierwsze strzały z tego roku :) Prezentuję Wam kilka zdjęć ze spottingu, a w zasadzie zamarzania, na Balicach ( EPKK) vis a vis drogi kołowania Foxtrot :)
Ciekawostką dnia jest Airbus A321-232 OY-KBK należący do SAS Scandinavian Airlines, który jest rzadkim gościem na lotnisku w Krakowie.
It's time for first shots of this year. I'd like to show You few photos of spotting, but really it was freezing, at Balice Airport ( EPKK) directly in front of taxiway Foxtrot.
The curiosity of day was Airbus A321-232 OY-KBK of SAS Scandinavian Airlines, who is rare guest at Cracov Airport.

